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A Conscious Communicator

We love featuring trailblazing women on Love & Nudes - in fact - it is part of our WomenFirst manifesto to support, encourage, and uphold amazing women. We are excited to feature Fazeena Haniff a certified Professional Coach, communications expert, consultant and speaker. Check out her story below.


Tell us a little about your passion. What is it about?

I'm passionate about communication! Ever since I was a small child, I have loved connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds, and it's something that came very natural to me. I studied communication in school and built a highly successful career over 15 years in the field of corporate communications and PR. After I left the 9-5 world, I knew the business I would start would be about communication -- taking my expertise from my career and combining it with my second love, coaching, as well as my life experience. One of the things I learned in my career was that we have a very limited view of what communication is all about, and so, The Conscious Communicator was born to empower individuals and organizations to explore and own other key influences they don't realize are having a huge impact on the way they communicate.

What is the change that you would like to bring to society?

I want to raise the level of consciousness with which we communicate in our relationships, in our businesses, in our communities and in our world. I want to raise awareness around how impactful our earliest experiences with communication as children are on us as adults, and how things like trauma, emotional regulation and mastery, limiting beliefs and values flow through, or, block our words, voice and body language. Through this work, I want to empower people to realize there is hope and opportunity to create foundational change from within that spreads outward in powerful ways.

What happened to make you want to do this? Tell us what drove you to start this.

Well, the funny thing is I started my business mainly on a gut feeling and hadn't fully realized the vision as yet. I don't necessarily recommend doing that, but intuition is a big thing for me, so I was willing to take the risk and trust myself. I had my education and my career experience at the beginning, and the minute I decided to run with it, life experience started to divinely unfold that would end up providing so much of the curriculum of what I teach and coach on. The biggest piece of that was facing my own childhood traumas and understanding how that and the influence of my family and culture growing up had subconsciously impacted my ability to communicate and use my voice as an adult, and what that meant for me in how I was showing up in my relationship and as an entrepreneur.

Has anything changed since you started? Have you achieved some of your goals or has something happened in the world to make you want to work even harder?

Everything! Haha. Becoming an entrepreneur, especially having grown up in a non-entrepreneurial family, has been one of the biggest challenges I've ever taken on. It's forced me to look at myself and take radical responsibility for my habits, my beliefs, my mindset, my expectations, my perceived worth, and to commit to making necessary changes. I've achieved many of my goals, and there's so much more to achieve. Purpose, making a difference, and effecting change motivate me.

How do you think being a woman of colour has impacted your journey?

I think we're at a point in time in our history where the voices of women of colour are needed more than ever before. I feel that so many of us are being called to step up, to lead and to speak up in ways that are challenging us to look inward to confront and overcome limitations of "can't" and "unworthy" that have imprinted on us subconsciously over generations and from the societies and systems we've lived in, so we can empower other women do the same. This has been a significant part of my journey in finding my own voice. It's allowed me to have empathy and compassion for the uniqueness of the journey each of us travels.

Have you had a remarkable breakthrough or a win that you would like to share with our readers? We all love hearing success stories! Tell us yours!

At one point, I found myself in the darkest place I'd ever been mentally and emotionally, facing emotions that had been suppressed for decades around a childhood experience of watching my three-year-old cousin lose his life at the hands of a drunk driver. I was experiencing post-traumatic stress and immense sadness and grief. It was immobilizing. Yet there was this one moment that quietly came to me. The moment where I knew I needed to love myself harder than I'd ever done before, so that I could heal. And so, I asked for help. I immediately reached out to family, friends and therapists, and I committed to my healing and allowed myself to receive help and support. And boy, did it come from all directions -- mostly from above with renewed faith that this pain I was experiencing was going to fuel purpose. Ironically (or not), when the emotions and memories of the experience surfaced, I'd already been signed up to up-level my coaching training, and it was the same tools and techniques that I learned a couple months later that ended up being the very ones I needed to fully release the post-traumatic stress, sadness and grief I was experiencing. Of course, now, these are the same tools and techniques I use with my clients! Divinely so.

Find out more about Fazeena and her services at

We love featuring trail blazers and change makers. Know someone we should be connecting with? Hit the contact form and tell us! 

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