This week’s fab feature is Nicole Reid. Nicole is a skin care connoisseur and owner of Diva Creations Skin and Hair Care. We noticed Nicole and her skin care line in an around Toronto over the last year and we’ve have grown to simply adore her and especially her Baby Dream and Hibiscus whipped butters (hmmmmm…) . Panic sets in for us when her butter is almost finished!
Tell us a little about your passion that you turned into your business. What’s it about & why do you do it?
It’s always been my passion to help people achieve their goals; if I can assist them in their quest, this is what gives me the drive to do what I do, to leave a positive impact on their lives. When it comes to skincare, I believe we have been programmed to trust the face, skin, hair and oral products bought at the store without reading any labels because the commercial said that it will work for you. There are so many ingredients in these products that can’t even be pronounced nor to we know what they are.
I asked myself what happened to the creative minds, that would use natural items that grow around our homes that we use on our skin or hair making it grow long and strong? I am not suggesting to not support our hair stylists or estheticians, but to research their products and suggest what you want to be used on your skin and hair. The question I always ask is that product helping you in any way? If not, why continue to do the same thing and expecting a different result?
What is the change that you would like to bring to the world?
Natural solutions for the betterment of skin and hair disorders and providing a healthier version to full body care.
What drove you to start Diva Creations Skin and Hair Care?
I started to seek the answers to my "whys" and began reading the labels of products I used on my skin and hair and realized that the contents were detrimental to my well being. Also, some good friends and some family members passed away quickly with illnesses. I decided I would take a healthier approach to care for myself and family as best I could. I went on several trips to Jamaica, sought out information from my elders and family members, who are familiar with the old time remedies to heal different ailments of the skin and hair. I also befriended some elderly Indian and African women who advised what items and how they used these to remedy issues in and on the body.
Many have a preconceived notion that oil is not good for their skin and I always explain to my customers that we are living lacking the sun's rays and energy for almost 7-8 months of the year. Due to this lack, we have to replenish the skin and hair with much needed rich nutrient oils, to balance everything out. Without the balance of oils is why there is so many cases of dry skin, pre-aging skin, and wrinkles, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, cystic acne, acne prone skin, dry scalp, hair loss, etc.
With much research, development, and sampling of my products, I realized my product line was doing exactly what I needed it to do! It is to take care of skin issues, hair loss, underarm health, and mouth care.
Over the years family and friends requested for me to make my whipped butters like Mango burst, Coco Vanilla, Hibiscus Floral and Baby Dream and they’ve become quite popular in my product line. I’m so thankful to my village for their confidence in my abilities to create products that worked for them and in turn, helping many others worldwide.
What drives you to continue to strive for more?
Some of my customers request more tailored products to assist them in their natural walk to health. This is what drives me as a business. As I gain more knowledge I develop more products for them. Continual education for advancement is a must for myself and my business.
Nicole is a true Diva when it comes to her line, we see her hustle EVERYWHERE! We thank her for sharing her story about Diva Creations Skin and Hair Care.