Check out our cotton and bamboo Hochelaga Collection below!

Model Madness

In what felt like a split second I knew I needed to hold a model casting call the following week. I realized that time was ticking louder and louder and I had to get my line photographed! It was initially stressful because I wasn’t sure about anything. Where would this event be held? Who would come or would anyone come? I pictured an empty room with tumble weed flying around and crickets chirping. There was much uncertainty with many moving parts floating around. Amidst the craziness of trying to make things happen, I drew on my meditation to help keep  me grounded. I see what an integral part of my life that needs to be especially with running my own business.

Happy National Nude Day

It’s so funny how life happens. Turns out the date I picked July 14 to hold the model casting, was also National Nude Day! That means so much to me because of the meaning behind nude, other than being naked. Nude for Love & Nudes represents products that are inclusive of darker skin tone colours that represent  the world’s diversity! Nude for melanin skin tones.This nude is inclusive. I thought is was so fitting to be searching for the right queens to represent this on National Nude Day. I felt it was the Lord pointing me in the right direction.


As it turns out the casting was a success! Some beautiful women came out to represent and I am so looking forward to working with them. Another affirmation I got is just keeping pushing forward no matter how uncomfortable or scary it is. Something will happen, maybe not exactly what you expected but something you can be grateful for nonetheless. I’m feeling so blessed.

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